The show curated by Leandré D’Souza with Dale Luis Menezes as Historian adviser, takes its inspiration from a collection of watercolors produced in sixteenth and seventeenth-century Goa, the Codex Casanatense (c. 1560 and 1580), which depicts daily life in Goa, Asia, and Africa; Suma de árvores e plantas da Índia intra Ganges (1612) by Manuel Godinho de Éredia, a compendium of Goan plants; and O livro das plantas de todas as fortalezas, cidades e povoações do estado da India Oriental (1635) by Antonio Bocarro, illustrating coastal areas of Africa and India.
This exhibition is presented by Sunaparanta Goa Centre for the Artsin support with Fundação Oriente, Delegation in India; Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia; Australian Consulate-Genrel in Mumbai, Australian Government, Creative Australia and Create NSW.
With works by Nadia de Souza, Ashish Phaldesai, Maria do Carmo Piçarra, Asavari Gurav, Viraj Naik and many others.
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