News from Everywhere is a series of artworks created for a noticeboard in London’s Ravenscourt Park. Six artists – one from every inhabited continent – were invited to respond to the board’s function and surrounding environment. Displayed over the summer holidays, News from Everywhere brings the world to Ravenscourt Park.
The exhibition takes its name from the 1890 utopian novel ‘News from Nowhere’ written by Hammersmith artist and activist William Morris. Set in 21st century London transformed by agrarian revolution, Morris imagined a more equal society, united by creativity, collective land ownership and respect for nature.
Supported by London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham with special thanks to the Parks team, Rural School of Economics and MyVillages, POSK Gallery and The William Morris Society.
With works by Gele Hailu, Gudskul, Amy Franceschini, Yinjaa-Barni Collective and Fernanda Galvão.
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