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Person: Miliswa Ndziba

Imminent and Eminent Ecologies | FADA Gallery | University of Johannesburg

The exhibition ‘Imminent and Eminent Ecologies’, is co-curated by Leora Farber and Brenton Maart, and falls under VIAD’s newly established Bioart + Design Africa (BA+DA) research stream. The artworks on show foreground the entanglement between living and non/living forms, humans and the more-than-human, and the effect culture has on climate change. The exhibition advocates that holistic decolonial practice can only be manifest through breaking down the artificial boundaries between species, and between the organic and elemental. An important outcome of this is the emergence of a new kind of trans-species democracy composed of multiple materialities  – a democracy whose constitution is premised on what theorist and physicist Karen Barad terms ‘intra-actions’ based on empathy, care and respect.

With works by Adam Broomberg and Rafael Gonzalez, Janneke de Lange, Leora Farber, Stacy Hardy, Russell Hlongwane, Francois Knoetze and Amy Louise Wilson, Dean Hutton, Bronwyn Katz, Nandipha Mntambo, Miliswa Ndziba and many others.

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