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Venue: Kunsthalle Nairs Scuol

Von Pflanzen lernen | Kunsthalle Nairs, Scuol

A transdisciplinary conversation on the relationship between humans and alpine nature in times of climate change, with Uriel Orlow, artist, Dr. Sonja Wipf, Head of Research and Monitoring, Swiss National Park, Zernez, Prof. Dr. Boris Previšić, Director Institute Cultures of the Alps, University of Lucerne, Dr. Andreas Weber, biologist and philosopher, Berlin, Sabine Rusterholz Petko, curator of the exhibition and Christof Rösch, Co-Director Fundaziun Nairs.


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Up Up Up | Kunsthalle Nairs, Scuol

For his solo exhibition at Kunsthalle Nairs, Uriel Orlow developed new works during several stays on site, through research and in exchange with the National Park in Zernez, which take up natural phenomena and place them in a global context. The focus is on the interdependencies between climate change and botany.

The warming of the climate is causing changes in our environment and ecosystems that affect plant biodiversity. Some of these changes and impacts are occurring more rapidly, are already highly visible, and are receiving great attention. Others, in turn, remain invisible for longer and escape attention. Mountain ecosystems, for example, face an interesting contradiction: the climate is warming faster than the global average, but the vegetation response is slower than expected. Nevertheless, plants – often thought to be immobile – are relocating their habitats to follow the conditions to which they are adapted.

In an exchange with the Swiss National Park in Zernez, Uriel Orlow developed new artistic approaches and aesthetics that reflect the transformation of regional flora under changing climatic conditions.

“Up Up Up” connects the unique local context in the Engadine and the Swiss National Park with the global issues of climate change.

By seeking dialogue with ongoing scientific research in the Swiss National Park, the project promotes exchange between art, science and the environment, and uses new visual methods to address one of the most important issues of our time.

The exhibition is curated by Sabine Rusterholz Petko.

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