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Person: Ursula Biemann

EMAMI Art Experimental Film Festival | EMAMI Art, Kolkata

Screening of Imibizo Ka Mafavuke at EMAMI Art, Kolkata, in a session focused on films by Swiss artists curated by Damian Christinger and supported by the Swiss Embassy in India & Bhutan  at EMAMI Art Experimental FIlm Festival 2024. Screening along side works by Nicole Bachmann, Elodie Pong, Ursula Biemann and Monica Ursina Jäger.

Emami Art Experimental Film Festival (EAEFF) is a platform dedicated to curating and building discourses around alternative and experimental films, videos, and artists’ moving image practices. 

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Parlament of Plants II | Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein

Uriel Orlow, Reading Wood (Backwards)

The exhibition Parliament of Plants II  testifies to a new view of plants, which are inextricably linked with our own survival, with works by Polly Apfelbaum, Ursula Biemann, Anna Hilti, Alevtina Kakhidze, Jochen Lempert, Rivane Neuenschwander & Mariana Lacerda, Uriel Orlow, Silke Schatz, Thomas Struth, Athena Vida, Miki Yui, Zheng Bo. Over the past decades, a paradigm shift has been taking place in the sciences regarding our perception of plants, one that is also reflected in the exhibition’s artworks. Parliament of Plants II demonstrates the principle of symbiosis as a societal counter-image to the parasitic handling of nature. New insights regarding the world of plants feature alongside knowledge of Indigenous cultures, questions pertaining to colonial and contemporary history, the handling of resources or our perception of time. The crucial question is: how can we achieve a symbiotic coexistence in which human and non-human beings can learn from each other? The main themes of two ‘raised stands’ are Michel Serres’ Natural Contract and Lynn Margulis’ theory of symbiosis. Co-curated by Christiane Meyer-Stoll with Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, molecular biologist and historian of science.

The exhibition includes two inserts, a project space in the side-light gallery and a wide range of further collaborations and cooperations: Insert I: Politics of Plants
curated by Linda Schädler, head of ETH’s Prints and Drawings Collection, Zurich, with works by Mireille Gros, Matthew Day Jackson, Monica Ursina Jäger, Daniela Keiser, Pascal Schwaighofer, Melanie Smith, Sebastian Utzni. Insert II: Plants_Intelligence. Learning like a Plant, a research project at the Institute Art Gender Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel, with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation with works by Felipe Castelblanco, Julia Mensch, Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits.

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ecoope­ra­ti­ons: artist talk | UK14, Kassel

Artist talk with Ursula Biemann, Uriel Orlow and Alexandra Gelis (conSECUENCIAS collective), on the occasion of documenta fifteen.

We will explore eco-operations and e-cooperations that address both the ecologies and technologies of cooperation (artistic, activist, curatorial, etc.). The project is supported by the University of Kassel and the newly founded documenta Institut, the University of Zurich and Zentrum Künste und Kulturtheorie. ecooperations is jointly organized by Liliana Gómez (University of Kassel) and Fabienne Liptay (University of Zurich).

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Lingering en route | Fosun Foundation, Shanghai

Online survey screening and conversation with Wang Shuman at Fosun Foundation Shanghai, organized by Pro Helvetia Shanghai and Centre for Experimental Film (CEF) who commissioned three curators from China and gave them free rein to select their favorite Swiss artists and artworks for this exhibition built upon their personal research interests and curatorial sensibilities. While these featured artists have previously been shown in major biennials and other exhibitions around the world, this event organized by Pro Helvetia marks the first time they are being presented as a group to the Chinese public. Curated by Yuan Fuca, Wang Shuman, Huang Wenlong with Ursula Biemann, Uriel Orlow and Maria Iorio & Raphaël Cuomo.

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Earth Beats, Naturbild im Wandel | Kunsthaus Zürich

A major exhibition exploring artists’ engagement with the planet and its vulnerability. It considers both the history of ideas and future scenarios for the sustainable use of natural resources. ‘Earth Beats’ is an artists’ plea to preserve the Earth and its natural resources, born out of the urgency of the present situation. Nature, in the form of landscape painting, is firmly embedded in art history. In works from earlier centuries we generally encounter it as idyllic scenery, but since the 1970s it has been depicted with ever greater clarity as an entity threatened by human intervention and at the same time deserving of protection.

Curated by Sandra Gianfreda and Cathérine Hug, with some 120 works by Lothar Baumgarten, Vaughn Bell, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Joseph Beuys, Ursula Biemann, Nomin Bold, Laurence Bonvin, Herbert Brandl, Julian Charrière, Edward Theodore Compton, Gustave Courbet, Tony Cragg, Buby Durini, Thomas Fearnley, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Francesca Gabbiani, Ludwig Hess, Cornelia Hesse-Honegger, Ferdinand Hodler, Anna Jermolaewa, Ruth Kaaserer, Mikhail Karikis & Uriel Orlow, Armin Linke & Giulia Bruno & Giuseppe Ielasi, Richard Long, Marcus Maeder, Maurice Maggi, Ana Mendieta, Conrad Meyer, Johann Heinrich Meyer, Otto Morach, Harald Naegeli, Walter Niedermayr, Katie Paterson, Albert Renger-Patzsch, Oliver Ressler, Germaine Richier, Ed Ruscha, David Shrigley, Jules Spinatsch, Johann Gottfried Steffan, Annelies Štrba, Thomas Struth, Vivian Suter, Félix Vallotton, Auguste Veillon, Hans Beat Wieland, Caspar Wolf, Robert Zünd.

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Fold II: Digital Dramatisations: Ecologies from the Future

Across two exhibition venues, the Centre for Contemporary Art ‘Ancient Bath’ and the former tobacco warehouse SKLAD in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

With works by Donatella Bernardi, Ursula Biemann, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Johanna Bruckner, Sarah Burger, Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Valko Chobanov, Voin de Voin & Marie Civikov, Jonas Etter, Anne-Laure Franchette, Monica Ursina Jäger, Stefanie Knobel, Marlene Maier, Boyan Manchev with Ani Vaseva and Leonid Yovchev (Metheor), Emil Mirazchiev, Uriel Orlow, Ursula Palla, Lourenço Penaguião Soares, Elodie Pong, Oliver Ressler, Tabita Rezaire, Dorothea Rust, Elza Sile, Kerstin Schroedinger, Pascal Schwaighofer, Venelin Shurelov, Sandro Steudler, Kamen Stoyanov, Milva Stutz, Katharina Swoboda, Una Szeemann / Bohdan Stehlik, Riikka Tauriainen, Lena Maria Thüring, Alexander Tuchaček, Borjana Ventzislavova, and Martina-Sofie Wildberger.

With interventions and talks by the philosophers Boyan Manchev, Stanimir Panayotov, and Gerald Raunig.

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CinemAmbiente​ Festival Cinema | Massimo, Torino

The films presented here, chosen from those exhibited at the Parco Arte Vivente in the last two years, investigate the antagonistic relationship between environmental activism and neoliberal policies on a global scale. Policies that, in spite of the imminent depletion of fossil fuels, continue to devastate vast areas of the planet, replicating exploitative practices that constitute a new colonialism and acting to the detriment of the dignity à and the rights of indigenous peoples of the North and South of the world .

Uriel Orlow’s films Imbizo Ka Mafavuke and The Crown Against Mafavuke are screened alongside works by Pedro Neves Marques, Oliver Ressler, Ursula Biemann and Paulo Tavares, curated by PAV Turin.

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Argos, Brussels | Black Box: Uriel Orlow

Black Box Presentation of Descent. Part of exhibition “No Place – like Home: Perspectives on Migration in Europe” with Miguel Abad, An Architektur, Xavier Arenos, Herman Asselberghs, Federico Baronnello, Ursula Biemann, Raphael Cuomo, Maria Iorio, Provdoliub Ivanov, Pieter Geenen, Takuji Kogo, Armin Linke, Thomas Locher, Yves Mettler, Migreurope, Hans Op de Beeck, Erzen Shkololli and others.