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Person: Superflex

Butterflies Frolicking on the Mud | Thailand Biennale, Korat

Participation in the 2021 Thailand Biennale, Butterflies Frolicking on the Mud: Engendering Sensible Capital.

Curated by Yuko Hasegawa, co-curated by Tawatchai Somkong, Vipash Purichanont and Seiha Kurosawa and showing works of Atacama Desert Foundation, Maxwell Alexandre, Hicham Berrada, Bianca Bondi, Montien Boonma, Mathieu Merlet-Briand, Yanyun Chen, Liu Chuang, Sandra Cinto, Gohar Dashti, Charlotte Dumas, Olafur Eliasson, Jan Fabre, Yang Fudong, John Gerrard, Shilpa Gupta, David Hammons, Federico Herrero, Chris Huen Sin-kan, Junya Ishigami, Rinko Kawauchi, Keiken, Nile Koetting, Koichi Sato and Hideki Umezawa, Alongkorn Lauwatthana and Homesawan Umansap, Kwanchai Lichaikul, Make or Break, Haroon Mirza, Yllang Montenegro, Ngoc Nau, Krit Ngamsom, David O’Reilly, Uriel Orlow, PHKA Studio, PNAT, Pomme Chan, Akras Pornkajornkijkul, Boonserm Premthada, Herwig Scherabon, Sema Thai, Slowstitch Studio, Sim Chi Yin, Elias Sime, Eli Sudbrack, Som Supaparinya, SUPERFLEX, Mio Suzuki, Min Tanaka, Rudee Tancharoen, Tsuyoshi Tane, Zai Tang, Prasit Wichaya, YANTOR, Giacomo Zaganelli.


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There Will Come Soft Rains | Basis-Frankfurt

Group exhibition curated by Stefan Vicedom and Bernard Vienat with works by: Marcela Armas, Hicham Berrada, Carolina Caycedo, Julian Charrière, Andreas Greiner & Tyler Friedman, Galina Loonova, Uriel Orlow, Mario Pfeifer , Superflex, Jeronimo Voss, Pinar Yoldas

For modern people, the experience of certain scenarios often proves to be an effective medium for opening new perspectives on themselves and their present. Following on from this, the exhibition explores a special context of experience by initiating a fictional journey through time. A group of international artists enter the year 2318, where they encounter a new world without human species. Fundamental questions on dealing with our environment, the relationship between art and science as well as the late capitalist self-understanding of the human being form recurring moments of the artistic argument within the exhibition.

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