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Person: Raphael Cuomo

Europe: The Future of History| Kunsthaus Zürich

The most comprehensive art exhibition on Europe in Switzerland since 1991 comprises some 100 works by 50 artists from all parts of the continent, in the media of painting, photography, video and installation. The artists represented include Kader Attia, Marc Bauer, Arnold Böcklin, Herbert Brandl, Honoré Daumier, Fischli/Weiss, Dani Gal, Ferdinand Hodler, Thomas Imbach, Anna Jermolaewa, Ilya Kabakov, Nikita Kadan, Bouchra Khalili, Paul Klee, Daniel Knorr, Christian Philipp Müller and Nives Widauer. Curated by Cathérine Hug

External Link →

Argos, Brussels | Black Box: Uriel Orlow

Black Box Presentation of Descent. Part of exhibition “No Place – like Home: Perspectives on Migration in Europe” with Miguel Abad, An Architektur, Xavier Arenos, Herman Asselberghs, Federico Baronnello, Ursula Biemann, Raphael Cuomo, Maria Iorio, Provdoliub Ivanov, Pieter Geenen, Takuji Kogo, Armin Linke, Thomas Locher, Yves Mettler, Migreurope, Hans Op de Beeck, Erzen Shkololli and others.