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Person: Paulo Tavares

CinemAmbiente​ Festival Cinema | Massimo, Torino

The films presented here, chosen from those exhibited at the Parco Arte Vivente in the last two years, investigate the antagonistic relationship between environmental activism and neoliberal policies on a global scale. Policies that, in spite of the imminent depletion of fossil fuels, continue to devastate vast areas of the planet, replicating exploitative practices that constitute a new colonialism and acting to the detriment of the dignity à and the rights of indigenous peoples of the North and South of the world .

Uriel Orlow’s films Imbizo Ka Mafavuke and The Crown Against Mafavuke are screened alongside works by Pedro Neves Marques, Oliver Ressler, Ursula Biemann and Paulo Tavares, curated by PAV Turin.

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Atlas [of the ruins] of Europe | CentroCentro, Madrid

Group Exhibition with Abraham Ortelius, Adelita Husni-Bey, Alexandre Lenoir, Alfonso Chacón, Alfred Aunay, André Romao, Andrea Palladio, Andrea Vesalio, Anja Kirschner y David Panos, Anne-Claude-Philippe de Tubières, conde de Caylus, Antoni Muntadas, Antonin Carême, Antonio Bosio, Arthur T. Bolton, Babi Badalov, Benjamin Péret, Bernhard Sigfried Albinus, Carl Gustav Carus, Carol Rama, CASITA, Charles James Richardson, Charles Marville, Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, Crisóstomo Martínez, Diego de Sagredo, Diego del Pozo, Édouard Dangin, Erik Beltrán, Ernst Friedrich, Esther Ferrer, Eugènne-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc, Filippo Morghen y Antonio Joli, Forensic Architecture, Francesco Colonna, Francisco de Goya, François de Chasseboueuf, François Perrier, George Bailey, Giorgio Vasari, Giovanni Battista da’ Cavalieri, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Girard Audran,Hrair Sarkissian, Hyeronimus Cock, según Johannes van Doetechum, Igor Kostin, Irene Mohedano, Iván Argote, Jacques Callot, Jacques Philippe Le Bas, Jean Claude de Richard, Abbé de Saint-Non, Jean-Jacques-François Le Barbier, Jeleton, Jeremy Bentham, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Johann Karl August Kruger, Jorge Ribalta, José Ortiz y Sanz, Joseph Michael Gandy, Jules Andrieu, Julien-David Le Roy, Kader Attia, Le Corbusier, Leah Gordon, Louis-Jean Desprez, Man Ray, Marco Dente da Ravenna, Maria Papadimitrou, Yorgos Tzirtzilakis y estudiantes de la Volos University, Martin Parr, P. Loubère, Paolo Fumagalli, Paul B. Preciado, Paul Virilio, Paulo Tavares, Pedro G. Romero, Pedro José Márquez, Philibert de l’Orme, Pirro Ligorio, Quatremère de Quincy, Richard Peter, Sebastiano Serlio,Sigmund Freud, Simón García, Uriel Orlow, Vincenzo Feoli, Vitruvio (Cesare Cesariano), Vitruvio, Vladislav Shapovalov, Wendel Dietterlin, William Blake,William Hogarth

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