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Person: Kiluanji Kia Henda


“Problemas do Primitivismo – A Partir de Portugal” is an exhibition that, based on extensive research in Portuguese archives and collections, questions “primitivism” and its contradictions. The exhibition addresses the contexts of dictatorship, colonisation, anti-colonialism and post-colonialism, proposing a visual machine impregnated with images and artistic and cultural references that problematises the invention of the “primitive” and its persistence into contemporary times.

With works along side by Achille Mbembe, Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso, Bernardo Marques, Boris Groys, Canto da Maya, Cottinelli Telmo, Cristina Roldão, Cruzeiro Seixas, Mário Cesariny, Kiluanji Kia Henda and many others.

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Yinchuan Biennale | MOCA Yinchuan

The second Yinchuan Biennale “Departing from the Desert – Ecology on the Border” is conceived with the aim of measuring itself against a specific geo-historic context, and proposed as a form of minor language within the biennale system, Starting from the Desert seeks to respond to contemporary urgencies (not only in China) by adopting an “archaeological method.”

The Biennale’s framework is articulated over four, interdependent (and often overlapping) thematic areas that, without seeking to limit or circumscribe, attempts to visualize their material and immaterial aspects: Nomadic Space and Rural Space, Labor-in-Nature and Nature-in-Labor, The Voice and The Book, Minorities and Multiplicity .

Curated by Marco Scotini, with Andris Brinkmanis, Paolo Caffoni, Zasha Colah, and Lu Xinghua. With works by over 80 artists including Can Altay, Said Atabekov, Erick Beltrán, Alighiero Boetti, Filipa César, Emory Douglas, Duan Zengqu, Miriam Ghani, Raphaël Grisey, Silima Hashimi, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Hiwa K, Li Fenglen, Liu Ding, Adrien Missika, Pedro Neves Marques, Uriel Orlow, Kyong Park, Marjetica Potrč, Song Dong, Zheng Bo and others.

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Bétonsalon, Paris | One Caption Hides Another

One caption hides another aims to expand the field countering official history by taking as a departure point a key topic in current museological debates, that of anthropological restitution. With Agency, Daniel Boyd, Peggy Buth, Jimmie Durham, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Camille Henrot, Patrizio di Massimo, Uriel Orlow, Francis Upritchard, Françoise Vergès (Maison des Civilisations et de l’Unité Réunionnaise), Susan Vogel.

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