THE MEASURE OF THE WORLD, revolves around the ghosts of Western Enlightenment thinking and the relationship between science, truth-finding and the consequential creation of worldviews. With the work of fifteen artists, the exhibition forms a conversation starter for the NATURECULTURES year program and presents a first counterpoint to the current crises that bear witness to the perverse reality of modernism. Participating artists: Karl Blossfeldt, Madison Bycroft, Filipa César & Louis Henderson, Laura Huertas Millán, Esther Kokmeijer, Sasha Litvintseva & Beny Wagner, Claudia Martínez Garay, Pedro Neves Marques, Tuan Andrew Nguyen, Uriel Orlow, Andrew Pekler & Kiwi Stefanie Menrath, Erik Peters, Jol Thoms
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