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Person: Armin Linke

Critical Zones | Goethe-Institut, Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi

The Exhibition Critical Zones. In Search of a Common Ground will be on display at the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi from Saturday, 3 February until Sunday, 3 March 2024.

For a long time the reactions of Earth to our human actions remained unnoticed, and have now finally – not least due to recent international climate protests – moved into public consciousness. The exhibition project Critical Zones invites visitors to engage with the critical situation of the Earth in a novel and diverse way and to explore new modes of coexistence between all forms of life.

The travelling exhibition was conceived and first exhibited at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (2020-2022) based on a concept by Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel.

With works by Ravi Agarwal, Alexandra Arènes, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm Berghaus, Cemelesai Dakivali, Rohini Devasher, Martin Dornberg, Daniel Fetzner, Forensic Architecture, Soheil Hajmirbaba, Pauline Julier, Armin Linke, James Lovelock, Sonia Lévy, Lynn Margulis, Anuradha Mathur, Sonia Mehra Chawla, Edith Morales, Rasa Smite, Stephane Verlet-Bottéro and Dilip da Cunha.

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Critical Zones | Science Gallery, Bengaluru

The Exhibition Critical Zones. In Search of a Common Ground will be on display at the Science Gallery Bengaluru from February 16 to March 17, 2024. For a long time the reactions of Earth to our human actions remained unnoticed, and have now finally – not least due to recent international climate protests – moved into public consciousness. The exhibition project Critical Zones invites visitors to engage with the critical situation of the Earth in a novel and diverse way and to explore new modes of coexistence between all forms of life.

The travelling exhibition was conceived and first exhibited at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (2020-2022) based on a concept by Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel.

With works by Ravi Agarwal, Alexandra Arènes, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm Berghaus, Cemelesai Dakivali, Rohini Devasher, Martin Dornberg, Daniel Fetzner, Forensic Architecture, Soheil Hajmirbaba, Pauline Julier, Armin Linke, James Lovelock, Sonia Lévy, Lynn Margulis, Anuradha Mathur, Sonia Mehra Chawla, Edith Morales, Rasa Smite, Stephane Verlet-Bottéro and Dilip da Cunha.

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Earth Beats, Naturbild im Wandel | Kunsthaus Zürich

A major exhibition exploring artists’ engagement with the planet and its vulnerability. It considers both the history of ideas and future scenarios for the sustainable use of natural resources. ‘Earth Beats’ is an artists’ plea to preserve the Earth and its natural resources, born out of the urgency of the present situation. Nature, in the form of landscape painting, is firmly embedded in art history. In works from earlier centuries we generally encounter it as idyllic scenery, but since the 1970s it has been depicted with ever greater clarity as an entity threatened by human intervention and at the same time deserving of protection.

Curated by Sandra Gianfreda and Cathérine Hug, with some 120 works by Lothar Baumgarten, Vaughn Bell, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Joseph Beuys, Ursula Biemann, Nomin Bold, Laurence Bonvin, Herbert Brandl, Julian Charrière, Edward Theodore Compton, Gustave Courbet, Tony Cragg, Buby Durini, Thomas Fearnley, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Francesca Gabbiani, Ludwig Hess, Cornelia Hesse-Honegger, Ferdinand Hodler, Anna Jermolaewa, Ruth Kaaserer, Mikhail Karikis & Uriel Orlow, Armin Linke & Giulia Bruno & Giuseppe Ielasi, Richard Long, Marcus Maeder, Maurice Maggi, Ana Mendieta, Conrad Meyer, Johann Heinrich Meyer, Otto Morach, Harald Naegeli, Walter Niedermayr, Katie Paterson, Albert Renger-Patzsch, Oliver Ressler, Germaine Richier, Ed Ruscha, David Shrigley, Jules Spinatsch, Johann Gottfried Steffan, Annelies Štrba, Thomas Struth, Vivian Suter, Félix Vallotton, Auguste Veillon, Hans Beat Wieland, Caspar Wolf, Robert Zünd.

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Argos, Brussels | Black Box: Uriel Orlow

Black Box Presentation of Descent. Part of exhibition “No Place – like Home: Perspectives on Migration in Europe” with Miguel Abad, An Architektur, Xavier Arenos, Herman Asselberghs, Federico Baronnello, Ursula Biemann, Raphael Cuomo, Maria Iorio, Provdoliub Ivanov, Pieter Geenen, Takuji Kogo, Armin Linke, Thomas Locher, Yves Mettler, Migreurope, Hans Op de Beeck, Erzen Shkololli and others.